What is Kaunch Beej? Kaunch Beej Powder Benefits for Beard - hijama Cupping therapy center in kolkata.

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What is Kaunch Beej? Kaunch Beej Powder Benefits for Beard

What is Kaunch Beej? Kaunch Beej Powder Benefits for Beard

Hiama Cupping Therapy Center kolkata
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Product Description


Kaunch beej is generally known as “The enchantment velvet bean”. It is a leguminous plant and is a decent wellspring of protein.

Kaunch beej increments sexual want just as the quality and amount of sperm because of its Spanish fly property. It helps in the administration of apprehensive issue like Parkinson’s sicknesses and controls the side effects of joint pain. The best method for devouring Kaunch beej powder is with milk. It may likewise help diminish the danger of bosom disease.

Outside introduction to the hair of the Kaunch beej case or the seed itself can cause extreme tingling, consuming and rashes

What can I do to grow my beard?” is a frequently asked question by many. If you are one of them kaunch beej will help your dream come true.

Yes, kaunch beej is indeed helpful to grow a beard. Kaunch beej powder benefits for the beard is due to its effect on the pituitary gland to increase the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH). This, in turn, is seen to trigger the release of the testosterone hormone. Kaunch beej also aids the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with the help of an enzyme 5-alpha reductase. DHT plays a very important role in the growth of facial hair follicle and rapid beard hair growth.

How your body reacts to DHT also plays an important role in beard growth. Even if you have sufficient DHT but your body is not sensitive to it, you will have less facial hair. L-DOPA in kaunch beej is seen to activate androgen receptors, which increases your body’s uptake of DHT and testosterone. Thus, kaunch beej not only increases the level of testosterone and DHT but also upregulates the receptors to improve their utilization. All this together aids in growing beard.

Wondering how to use kaunch beej churna for beard growth?


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